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Endeavour Forum Inc
NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN


How Green Was Their Folly

Many of the seats won by the Australian Labor Party in the recent Federal elections were won on Green preferences, so Green ideology warrants a closer look. In November last year the London Daily Mail reported on two women environmentalists who take their carbon footprint very seriously indeed. One of the women, Toni Vernelli, aborted a pregnancy and had herself sterilized by age 27 to "save the planet".


Previous Abortions Linked With Pre-Term Birth and Cerebral Palsy

An article appearing in the October 2007  edition of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine concludes that nearly 32 per cent of "very-preterm" U.S. births, that is, before 32 weeks gestation, are due to the mother having had a prior abortion. This information, combined with previous research on the relation between low birth weight children and cerebral palsy (CP), results in an estimated 1,096 children suffering from CP because of their mother's prior abortion. 


Submission to the Victorian Law reform Commission on the Decriminalisation of Abortion

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make a submission on the reform of Victorian abortion law. Endeavour Forum Inc. is a pro-life women's organisation which has representatives in all Australian states and links with similar groups overseas. As an NGO we have special consultative status with the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, and in this capacity besides being Observers at UN meetings, we regularly hold NGO workshops on women's issues in conjunction with the UN's Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York each year.


Abortion and Breast Cancer: The link that won’t go away

There are many well established and well-known causes of breast cancer, such as inheriting a BRCA gene (a defective gene associated with increased breast cancer risk) and being exposed to oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. There are lesser known risks of breast cancer such as cigarette smoking before a full term pregnancy and induced abortion.


New Study Shows  Abortion the 'Best Predictor of Breast Cancer

The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons published a study in October 2007  entitled “The Breast Cancer Epidemic:  Modelling & Forecasts Based on Abortion and Other Risk Factors” which  showed that among seven risk factors, abortion is the "best predictor of breast cancer," and fertility is also a useful predictor.


A Christian sceptic’s challenge: why atheism has no answers

Books by atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris are recent best-sellers, and we also have James Cameron claiming to have discovered 'the tomb of Jesus'


A gender bender of a fishy tale

THE view that humans come in two kinds, male and female, is under challenge if not outdated.

In a rear-guard action, the Fatherhood Foundation launched a booklet, 21 Reasons Why Gender Matters.

Several politicians, including Prime Minister John Howard, dropped in to the launch and more or less agreed humans consist of men and women, and marriage should be between a man and a woman.


The Wrongs of a WA Human Rights Act

The Government of Western Australia wishes to enact a Human Rights Act that is based on a particular model similar to those existing in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria. In doing so the WA Government “believes that introducing a WA Human Rights Act would help to establish a human rights culture in this State because it would create a political and administrative culture in which the need to respect human rights is understood and acted upon”.


Book Shelf

“REDEEMING GRIEF – Abortion and it’s pain”  by Anne R.  Lastman.  Published by Victims of Abortion, P.O. Box 6094, Vermont South, Vic. 3133, Australia.  Ph   + 61 3  9887 7669.  196 pp,  $29.95 plus $3.45 postage.  Reviewed by Mrs. Madge Fahy.

Having awaited the release of this book, I am delighted to present this brief review.  I have kept it brief as I believe that it is a book that needs to be read in its entirety.  I commend it to you.



Endeavour Forum Inc. Public Meeting

Celebrating our 29th Birthday

7.30 pm,  Friday, lst February 2008 at St. Michael's Hall, 2 Victory Blvde,  Ashburton, Vic. 3147.  Guest speaker:  The Hon. Senator Guy Barnett (Lib, Tasmania) on   "Where to from here?"     The meeting will be chaired by  Mr. David Perrin, National President, Australian Family Association.  


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