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NEWSLETTER No. 136, October 2009

Endeavour Forum Inc
NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN


Preventing Breast Cancer

For the past several years, October has been Breast Cancer awareness month, and no doubt this year we will see the usual pink ribbons, the fund-raising events, the sporting ovals with generous people wearing pink shirts running and
jumping to raise money to combat this disease. The funds raised are used for research, treatment, support services for patients and educating women on early diagnosis. But there is nothing on prevention.


Australia Loses Great Champion of the Unborn

Distinguished barrister, one-time parliamentarian and champion of the unborn, Charles Francis AM QC RFD, died at 12 midday, Friday, August 14, aged 85.


Grievance Industry shows exponential growth

Peter Costello pointed out recently that anti-discrimination statutes have done their job and "discrimination" is no longer a preoccupation with Australians.


Removal of exemptions to equal opportunity legislation

Endeavour Forum Inc. is a pro-family women's NGO which has special consultative status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations. We represent women who are in the paid workforce and also women who are full-time homemakers.


The cult of Androgny

This session on the roles of mothers and fathers is timely because in so-called “progressive” circles not only is there a denial that mothers and fathers have distinct roles, but the very concept of “mother” and “father” is under dispute: a
cult of androgyny is being promoted. In social insurance forms from Ontario, Canada, instead of “father” and“mother” there is the option of listing “parent l” and “parent 2”, presumably in deference to homosexual couples.


World Congress of Families V: Declaration of Amsterdam

Representing families and organizations from over 60 nations, we delegates to the World Congress of Families V, convening in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, this 10-12 August 2009, affirm Article 16, par. 3, of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, agreeing that 'the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, and is entitled to protection by society and the State.'


New study finds 66 percent increased breast cancer risk after abortion

A new study done on women in Turkey who had abortions finds a 66 percent increased risk of contracting breast cancer as a result. The study is the latest to confirm that abortions cause significant adverse medical risks for women who have them, in addition to killing unborn children.

Endeavour Forum Inc: Australia-USA-Canada Fact Sheet

Distributed by Denise Mountenay at the Global Partners in Action: NGO Forum 2-4 Sept. 2009, Berlin

Double Abortion Disaster: Cerebral Palsy & Breast Cancer


Important Coming Events: Mark your diary

March for the Babies


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