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Freedom at Risk

Victoria's Racial & Religious Tolerance Act  has already infringed on the freedom of religion and freedom of expression rights of Victorians. The  further amendments made by the Victorian Government,  described by Premier Bracks as "minor amendments", have made the situation worse.

Lockhart Review

The Lockhart Review Committee released its final report to the Federal Parliament on its website on December 19, 2005. It revealed that the Committee has received 1035 submissions to its Inquiry on Embryo Experimentation. The great majority of the submissions were against the use of embryonic stem cells as their harvesting involved the destruction of human embryos. It awakened old memories.

World First Adult Stem Cell Centre

Australia will have the world’s first dedicated adult stem cell research centre following the announcement of a $22million grant to Queensland’s Griffith University”, said  Nationals’ Leader in the Senate, Senator Ron Boswell. “The grant to researchers led by former Queenslander of the Year, Professor Alan Mackay-Sim, follows a visit to their laboratory facility by the Health Minister, Tony Abbott  in March last year.  Cells from the nose can be grown into nerve, heart, liver, kidney and muscle cells.

Abortion- Breast Cancer News

The Philippine Foundation for Breast Care Inc.  (PFBCI) is the 8th medical organisation to acknowledge the Abortion-Breast Cancer link.  The acknowledgement in an official letter by Dr. Christina L. Santos, president of PFBCI,   followed the visit to the Philippines by Denise Mountenay and Molly White of  Women for Life International, who spoke at a forum organised by PFBCI, the Breast Cancer Society of Manila Inc.,  Roche-Oncology Philippines and the Breast Care Centre-East Ave Medical Centre.

Employed Mothers Don’t Breast Feed in Atlanta, Athens or Amsterdam

The advantages of breastfeeding are now so well established that serious scholars no longer dispute them. What some American feminists do dispute, however, is the relationship between maternal employment and breastfeeding. Some American feminists assert that the low level of breastfeeding among employed American mothers is anomalous, a sorry reflection on the singular backwardness of the policies that American lawmakers and corporate executives have put in place. Two new studies — one from Greece and one from the Netherlands — indicate, however, that maternal employment creates a serious impediment for maternal breastfeeding in lands far from the United States.

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities

Freedom of Speech has been enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as part of the Canadian Constitution since 1982. Ezra Levant felt confident that he was within the law in Februrary 2006 when his Canadian magazine the Western Standard published the Danish Cartoons of the prophet Mahommed, which have provoked so much controversy in Muslim nations during recent times.

The Meetinghouse

The DaVinci Code as a Symbol of Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Everyone loves a good conspiracy. Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code hit a responsive chord with its attack on the basic teachings of the Catholic Church.

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