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High Costs Of Abortion

In Australia about 100,000 babies are aborted each year. The moral cost in terms of the deadening of our consciences and the coarsening of our culture is high. The easy availability of abortion encourages women to be irresponsible about relationships without thought of the consequences, and it enables irresponsible men to abandon pregnant girl friends or to coerce wives. 


Child Care Problems

Placing young children in day care exposes them to sharply increased risk of infection. Breastfeeding young children sharply reduces that risk — even when those children are in day care. But only keeping young children out of the day-care center and in the arms of a breastfeeding mother provides optimal health protection.


The Lockhart Review Committee

Christians are often accused of having a pie-in-the-sky mentality because they try to do good in the hope of future reward in heaven. Little could be more pie-in-the-sky than the ambitions of   human embryo  and  cloning researchers who intend to do lots of bad, i.e.  kill embryos,  in the quite uncertain hope that they may achieve some good in a decade or so.


The Great Feminist Hoax Comes Undone

So was the feminist movement some sort of cruel hoax? Do women get less desirable as they get more successful?"

Columnist Maureen Dowd posed those questions in Sunday's New York Times Magazine in an essay adapted from her forthcoming book: “Are Men Necessary: When Sexes Collide”.


The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

The Autumn 2005 issue of the National Observer contained an excellent piece by Charles Francis, QC, on problems resulting from poor medical standards in abortion practice. One of the negative consequences for women undergoing abortion which Mr. Francis discussed was the link between abortion and breast cancer (known as the  ABC link). Mr. Francis highlighted a particular 2000 legal case in Australia—the first of its kind—in which the abortion practitioner settled for damages for failure to warn the plaintiff patient about the ABC link.


Breast Cancer Cases Jump in China, Hits Younger Women

BEIJING (AFP News Agency, 5 October 2005):   Breast cancer kills nearly 40 percent more Chinese women than it did a decade ago and the disease is now targeting a younger age group, state media reported. A survey carried out by the Ministry of Health indicated that the fatality rate of breast cancer rose 38.7%  for women living in urban areas and 39.1%  for rural  women between 1991 and 2000, China Daily reported.


Religious Tolerance Laws

Before I analyse some of the gross defects in Victoria's Religious Tolerance Act 200l and the issues which arise from its enactment, it is important to mention the historical background to so much of our present law. Although Australia is not a country with an established Church (as, for example, is England) it is a great mistake to equate our religious neutrality with a secular humanist country.


Details of Forced Abortions in China Emerge as Blind Activist Detained

Linyi, China ( -- Since he placed a spotlight on a brutal campaign by population control officials in one region of China, blind activist Chen Guangcheng has been under house arrest and twice assaulted for trying to leave. Now, some of the details of the thousands of forced abortions and sterilizations he helped expose are coming to light.In a comprehensive report by the San Francisco Chronicle, women who were subjected to violence, harassment and forced abortions tell their story.


Gender Police Now Fault the Home

Although women today enjoy equal opportunity in the workplace, family obligations may limit their participation in the workplace and thus their earnings. Not pleased with this outcome, the equity police are redirecting their investigations away from the office and into the private domain of the home, as reflected in an Indiana study by sociologists Carla Shirley and Michael Wallace. Quantifying what they consider an unfair "gendered division" of domestic labor, they find that women's greater duties at home not only hurt their earnings, but also boost that of men.



“Sex Appealed: Was the US Supreme Court Fooled?” by Judge Janice Law.  Publisher Eakin Pr. 273 pp.  Available from @ $US19.95.

The landmark Lawrence v Texas  ruling is the trigger event that, as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia foretold in his dissent, removed roadblocks to gay “marriage”. Lawrence remains in headlines today, in a larger cultural war, over homosexual adoption, employee benefits, the military’s “Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell” policy and related issues of judicial activism.  It is the equivalent of Roe v Wade in  the homosexual arena.  Judge Janice Law  explores pervasive rumors that the events of September 17, 1998, were a prearranged, orchestrated set-up designed to test Texas Penal Statute 21.06 – a too-perfect case. 

Below are extracts from a review of her book by Joseph Farah, founder, editor and CEO of


Bishop Henry Speaks On Implications Of Same-Sex “Marriage”

In Canada, where same-sex “marriage” became legal in June 2004,  a social revolution is underway.  Some people argue that same-sex marriage wouldn't change anybody else's marriage but merely expand the institution to provide equal rights for all.  What has happened in Canada  in recent months suggests a different story.







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