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In Australia about 100,000 babies are aborted each year. The moral cost in terms of the deadening of our consciences and the coarsening of our culture is high. The easy availability of abortion encourages women to be irresponsible about relationships without thought of the consequences, and it enables irresponsible men to abandon pregnant girl friends or to coerce wives. 

The moral cost is not apparent to our feminist politicians who, having done nothing to help pregnant women or to promote a culture of life, lobby strenuously for the abortion option. These feminists have never heard of an abortion method they did not like, whether it be the Morning After Pill, RU 486, vacuum aspirators or even grisly second-trimester abortions. 

But perhaps feminists could ponder the material costs - the massive haemorrhage of our population, the loss to our country of all the youthful energy and talent of those never given a chance to live, the sad "greying" of our communities. The  Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that as many as 24% of women will remain childless; as women generally outlive their partners, childless women, many of whom may have had abortions in their youthful years, are likely to have a lonely old age. 

Health costs to women are also horrendous, particularly the increased incidence of breast cancer. "Pink ribbon" fund-raising appeals and events seem ubiquitous with frequent news stories of young celebrities diagnosed with breast cancer. No one has told them that being childless is a risk. 

There are also hazards to subsequent "wanted" babies: a French study (Caroline Moreau, French Institute of Health & Medical Research) has shown that an abortion can increase the risk of premature birth in subsequent pregnancies by as much as 70% because abortions can trigger infections or damage the lining of the uterus. Prematurity is the greatest health hazard to newborns, with risks of cerebral palsy and developmental complications. The French research was confirmed in a study by Dr. Judith Lumley, La Trobe University, Melbourne, who found the risk of prematurity rose in proportion to the number of previous pregnancies which were not completed.  

So mothers sue obstetricians when their baby is disabled, and hapless obstetricians pay increasing insurance premiums, but the real “culprit” is the prior abortion. Think of Kristy Bruce, confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak, because her mother’s uterus ruptured during labor due to a previous abortion and deprived Kristy of oxygen.  

Feminist politicians have even objected to modest proposals that the baby bonus be paid in installments during pregnancy - a policy which would help cover expenses for baby equipment, other pregnancy-related costs or pay installments on a car. Feminist politicians who drive around in chauffeur-driven government cars are oblivious to the plight of mothers in outer suburbia who may need wheels. 

All the more credit to our Health Minister, the Hon. Tony Abbott, who despite the antipathy of many in his own Party, has consistently drawn attention to the tragedy of abortion.  Come and hear him speak at our Birthday Dinner.



Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN