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The world has changed a great deal since 1979 when we began ours. Then Prime Minister Fraser's  "National Women's Advisory Council", and in subsequent years a coterie of Labor-appointed "Women's Advisers", purported to speak for all women (See the review of Anne Summer's book “The End of Equality".

Gender Identity Problems

This article deals with the problem of transsexuals having irreversible surgery for a sex change where some sort of psychiatric help would be more appropriate.  

Abortion-Breast Cancer News

Abortion Doctor Settles Malpractice Suit
Failed to Inform Patient of Breast Cancer Risk from Abortion Procedure 

Represented by attorney Joseph P. Stanton, a Pennsylvania teenager who sued abortionist Charles Benjamin and the Cherry Hill Women’s Center successfully settled her medical malpractice case on October 17, the eve of trial, in a Philadelphia County court.  Her case is the first medical malpractice lawsuit in the United States to reap a settlement based on a claim for the failure of an abortionist and clinic to inform a woman of the increased risk of breast cancer due to abortion.  The clinic required that the settlement amount be kept confidential.

Why we Must Protect Marriage

Since the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriages in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health, reporters have been asking presidential candidates for their comment. Their unresponsive answers reveal their hope that the issue will recede before the 2004 elections.

The American College of Pediatricians

( was born out of a genuine concern for the welfare of children and the traditional family.  It began with a group of Pediatricians who recognized that children are at great risk emotionally and physically.

Planned Parenthood - The Pied Piper Eliminating Children

When I was a child, the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin worried me  - it still does.  For  those unfamiliar with the tale, it is about the town of Hamelin which suffered a plague of rats. A  piper (in a colourful cloak)  claimed that for a fee,  he would play a tune that would cause the rats to follow him and he  would  rid the town of the plague.  He did just that, drew the rats to a river where they  drowned,  but then the  townspeople ungratefully refused to pay him.  He then played a tune that   attracted  all the children in the town - they  followed him and were never seen again.  It was a  very sad town without any of  its children

Pity the Class Bully

Bullying in schools is big news at the present time.  There have always been bullies, but the problem appears to be reaching epidemic proportions of late, with headlines claiming bullying is responsible for a great deal of misery for school children, resulting in all kinds of  malaise among the victims,   even suicide.  Clues to possible reasons for the increase in bullying come from research  collated by the Howard Centre in Rockford, Illinois.  Its monthly publication “The Family in America: New Research", August 2003, edited by Dr. Allan Carlson, reports:

Disappointment Over Proposed Reforms to Child Custody

The Federal Government’s House of Representatives Committee Report into Child Custody has left children, fathers and grandparents with little change to their current status after family breakdown, and has brought mostly negative responses from men’s groups. Many spokesmen said the Report was disappointing in that it fails to address the core issue of rebuttable, that is the presumptive joint/shared parenting and residency issues. The Report has rejected ‘equal parenting’ in favour of an open approach whereby divorcing parents would attempt to work out custody arrangements between them.  In relation to child support, the Report recommends increased powers for the Child Support Agency, including going down the  American path of "cancellation of drivers/other licences".  Separating parents who renege on child support payments will risk incarceration under the proposals.


"FEMINIST FANTASIES" by Phyllis Schlafly, published by Spence Publishing, 2003.   262pp. Available from  Australian Family Association Books, Ph (03) 9326 5757.  $54.95, postage $3.75 Reviewed by Bill Muehlenberg.

If there is one name in America that strikes terror in the hearts of most feminists, it is Phyllis  Schlafly. For over four decades she has championed the cause of faith and family, and has  resisted the radical social engineering of radical feminists, the homosexual lobby and other  coercive utopians.

"Bush Boys On The Move" by James Tierney. Newman Publications, Merrylands. 512pp, $16.  Available from Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Inc., 342 Merrylands Rd., Merrylands. Ph: (02) 9637 9406.

"Bush Boys On The Move" is the fourth book in Fr. James Tierney's Bush Boys series.  The other titles in the series are: "Bush Boys: An Outdoor Adventure- the ABC of Camping",  "Cuthbert  joins the Bush Boys" and "Bush Boys & Bush Rangers".

Email:   Reviewed by Felicity Elvis.






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