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NEWSLETTER No. 140 , October 2010

Endeavour Forum Inc
NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN


Special Events:

Endeavour Forum Inc. Public Meeting
Opposing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

7.30 pm on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 at the O'Hanlon
Centre, Mitchell St., Mentone, Vic. 3194. (Car parking in
St. Patrick's School grounds, entrance via Childers St).
International Guest Speaker: Mr. Alex Schadenberg,
Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, speaking
on "Caring, not Killing".
The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Peter Kavanagh, MLC (DLP, Vic), and the Opening Prayer will be said by His Lordship, Bishop Peter Elliott, DD. The vote of thanks will be given by Mr. Ken Francis, Secretary, Life Coalition. All welcome, $5 donation
appreciated. RSVP: Mrs. Prue Oldham, (03) 9583 6835 or Mrs. Margaret Butts, (03) 8588 1792.

A win for democracy

The biggest winner in the recent Australian federal elections was the Australian electorate who have the blessing of living in a country with a democratic political system. When one considers the misery experienced by so many citizens in countries ruled by dictatorships, military cabals or theocratic Islamic regimes, we are fortunate indeed...

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

For millennia, euthanasia (a word I use to include assisted suicide) has been considered morally and legally unjustifiable. People who oppose euthanasia still believe it's inherently wrong – it can't be morally justified and even compassionate motives don't make it ethically acceptable...

Inquiry into baby deaths

On the 28th July 2010, Peter Kavanagh, MLC, Member for Western Victoria, (Democratic Labor Party), courageously moved a motion in the Legislative Council of the Victorian Parliament to inquire into the deaths of 52 babies born alive after abortions...

Planned Parenthood v the Governor of Nebraska

The vast majority of peer review studies confirm that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Many of these studies predate the modern political controversy concerning abortion, and some are conducted in nations where abortion is less politicized than in the United States...

Bishop Congratulates East Timor Government for Resisting Foreign Pressure on Abortion

The issue of foreign pressure on East Timor on sexual and population issues has a lengthy and sordid history. The country claimed independence from Indonesia in 2002 after years of occupation, during which Indonesia had covertly
sterilized thousands of women in East Timor...

The Phyllis Schafly Report

Family courts routinely deprive divorced fathers

Drop Dead - if you are too old!

The Democrats will pal around with the disabled at Special Olympics events, but whenever it comes down to crunch time they support a culture which essentially says that the inconveniently disabled should commit suicide or be killed...

Canberra Declaration

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