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Concealing The Facts

A news item in the Australian Financial Review(“Real costs of breast cancer in the workplace, AFR 31/7/07)   reported on the  work of the Breast Cancer Network  in raising funds to    support    women having treatment for breast cancer.  The article  mentioned the difficulties faced by women in juggling treatment with their careers,  and focused on efforts to get   high profile women  from business and public life to assist in  fund raising. 

Open Season on the Unborn

Decriminalising abortion will make Victorian women even more vulnerable to medical malpractice, warns Charles Francis QC

More Dangerous than Smoking

Marriage between a man and a woman  improves life expectancy for both, but  "married"  homosexuals, both gays and lesbians, live about 24 years less than their married heterosexual counterparts  according to Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute, a Colorado-based think tank.

Cloning an Obsolete Process

A week in politics is a long time, but  stem cell science is moving even faster than politics.  On June 7,  journals Nature and   Cell  published three papers reporting on a simple method of turning mouse skin cells into  "pluripotent" stem cells which function like embryonic stem cells in that they can be turned into any kind of   cell.  These stem cells were obtained without cloning or  destroying embryos and without the use of eggs or sperm.

Why I am Home Educating my Children

Thank you Babette for the challenge to summarize why my husband and I home-educate. I tried to convince Babette that there would be many others who would be much better speakers and also speak with experience and fruitful results. Certainly having met many of these wonderful people myself has been a strong reason to give it a go. But you all know Babette. It is impossible to change her mind and that is probably why she is such a great pro life/pro Family leader.

Feminists Networks

"Emily's List" is   a feminist organization   within the Democrat Party, USA, and the  ALP,    Australia,   which raises money  to have  pro-abortion  women elected to  parliament.  Emily's List candidates  also  support    "diversity",  meaning homosexual "rights".  "Emily" stands for Early Money Is Like Yeast.


"Save the Males – It’s About Time”  by R. F. Doyle.   Published by Poor Richard’s Press, Forest Lake, Minnesota, USA.   222pp, Rec. Price: approx $A20 Reviewed by Alan Barron, convenor,    Institute of Men's Studies.

Richard Doyle has for nearly five decades now, been an advocate for a fair deal for men – especially divorced fathers.  A former US serviceman in the Korean War, the author’s awareness of gender issues came into sharp focus with his divorce from his first wife in 1957.  He was shocked by the “anti-male prejudice” he encountered at the hands of the American court system.

The Education of Dr Joe

Unlike so many inflated and sensationalist memoirs and biographies of the rich and famous, this compact collection of  memories and musings is totally free of egotism, hype or wasted words.  Although the book includes fascinating details of the intimate and lively life in an Italian-Australian family, little fuss is  made about the historical and political importance of  this particular family - Santamaria.  Similiarly the author, Joseph Natoli  Santamaria - known by most people as simply “Dr Joe” draws little attention to himself, his own outstanding professional  achievements or to his own very considerable contributions to civic and ecclesial leadership.



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