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Endeavour Forum Inc
NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN


Exporting our Plague

Australia is plagued with about 90,000 abortions each year.  Not content with this loss of life in our own country, the pro-abortion claque in Federal Parliament  is pushing to export this  plague to   hapless women  in third world countries.  The latest push comes from Dr. Mal Washer (Lib, WA)  who is calling for Australian foreign aid to be used to fund abortion as a service to women!

World Congress of Families IV

The World Congress of Families IV, founded by Dr. Allan Carlson,  the Howard Centre,  USA, was held  in  Warsaw (May 11 - 13), and attended by  a gathering of 3,300 delegates from  Latin America,  USA, Canada, Europe including Poland, Latvia, Estonia, the Ukraine and Russia, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. 


Read it for Yourself

Every pro-life activist should have on his or her desk the book by abortionist Warren M. Hern called Abortion Practice.  It is a medical textbook on how to do abortions, and it provides us with the educational material necessary to win the war on abortion - namely, the  descriptions of the abortion procedures.

An Unbalanced Report

This is a Federal Government report on an inquiry into the position of Australian women regarding "family life and the paid workforce".  The Committee chaired by Bronwyn Bishop, MHR, have put an enormous amount of work into analyzing many aspects of life including social change, taxation, parents having children, child care, tax relief and the difficulties of disability carers.The result is a large tome of findings and statistics. 


Employed Mothers Don’t Breastfeed - in Atlanta, Athens, or Amsterdam

The advantages of breastfeeding are now so well established that serious scholars no longer dispute them.  What some American feminists do dispute, however, is the relationship between maternal employment and breastfeeding.  Some American feminists assert that the low level of breastfeeding among employed American mothers is anomalous, a sorry reflection on the singular backwardness of the policies that American lawmakers and corporate executives have put in place


Unscientific Spin on Embryonic Stem Cells

Now that  scientists who want to use  human embryos for destructive research have succeeded in deceiving   Federal and Victorian parliaments into passing  legislation allowing them to clone and kill, they are acknowledging  the truth: this research is not going to provide cures for any disease or disability in the foreseeable future, if ever


ERA Enforced by the United Nations? (unavailable)

Having failed in their effort to persuade Americans to put the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) into the U.S. Constitution, despite spending tens of millions of dollars and enjoying the support of Big Media, three Presidents, and dozens of prominent politicians of both parties, the feminists are now trying to give us an even more dangerous ERA through ratification of a UN Treaty on Women enforced by busybody bureaucrats from foreign countries.


New Abortion-Cancer Study Severely Flawed

A new study   "Induced and Spontaneous Abortion and Incidence of Breast Cancer  Among Young Women," by Karin Michels of Harvard Medical School and others, was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in May 2007.   It found negligible connections between abortion and breast cancer.   The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer,  an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer,  says the study is seriously flawed.



Endeavour Forum Inc. Luncheon

In honour of  Most Reverend Bishop Peter J.  Elliott

12 noon on Saturday,  28th July 2007 at St. Patrick's Hall, Rogers St., Mentone Vic. 3194.






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