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Killing Twice

"When Abortion Kills Twice: The Breast Cancer Link" was the stark title of an article in the September 2002 issue of the US magazine, CRISIS. The article described the work of Professor Joel Brind and Dr. Angela Lanfranchi of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, (BCPI) New York. Professor Brind lectured in Australia and New Zealand three years ago on the hormonal mechanism and statistical data supporting the abortion-breast cancer link.

A Guide to feminism
Phyllis Schlafly

If you wonder why the Democratic Party has regressed into sycophantic cheerleading for radical feminist candidates (such as the Hillary Clinton clones running this year), the explanation is in a new book called "Guide to Feminist Organizations." As Midge Decter says in her foreword, this book is long overdue, and we thank Capital Research Center and author Kimberly Schuld for providing such a useful tool.

National and Overseas News

Press Release from Karen Malec, President, Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer

"Ellen Rice, an associate professor of business at Indiana University in South Bend, recently authored an article entitled, "Is Abortion Related to Breast Cancer? Too Political to Address". The article discusses the California case, Bernardo et al. vs. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, et al., in which three plaintiffs are suing the abortion provider for falsely advertising the safety of abortion.

Medical Treatment & Euthanasia
by a medical practitioner

On 27 November 2002 I attended a community meeting being hosted by the Port Phillip Older Person’s Reference Committee and the South Eastern Citizen’s Council (whether these groups actually exist I doubt and suspect they are a front for the Voluntary Euthanasia Society) to discuss the shortcomings of the Medical Treatment Act (Victoria). The meeting was held at St Kilda Town Hall, called in anticipation presumably of the forthcoming State Election in John Thwaites’ electorate.

Embryo Stem cells: Less Than pie in the Sky
Babette Francis

The culture of death proponents often insult Christians by telling us we have fallen for the false promises of "pie in the sky", i.e. happiness in heaven, instead of seeking "progressive" solutions to their problems here on earth. However, the proponents of embryo stem cell extraction have fallen for far less than pie in the sky, because they believe that cures for many chronic diseases will be achieved through human embryo vivisection, when all the available evidence shows that practical results applicable to human illnesses are being achieved through stem cells derived from ethical sources: adult stem cells and stem cells obtained from placentas and cord blood.

The Education of Boys
Alan Barron

"Boys - Getting it right - Report on the Inquiry into the education of boys": House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education & Training, Oct. 2002.

On the right track - when the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Workplace Relations announced their inquiry into boys’ education, I was overjoyed! At last boys’ issues and problems in education were receiving attention! The Report was commissioned by the then Minister of Education, Dr David Kemp. The Report does appear to be a landmark event in that it represents a major departure from the politically correct line which had been vigorously taken by previous administrations.




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