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NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN



New Hope for Babies

On the 33rd anniversary of her initial lawsuit as the Plaintiff “Roe” in the infamous US Supreme Court Roe v Wade case that gave the US abortion on demand, Norma McCorvey has petitioned the court to reopen the original case, based on changes in law and technology over the last 30 years. “I am sorry that I signed that affidavit”, Norma said. “The case brought the holocaust of abortion, but with this legal action I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. I long for the day that justice will be done and the guilt from all of these deaths will be removed from me.

The Education of Boys

In 1977 I wrote a Minority Report as a member of the Victorian Committee on Equal Opportunity in Schools, in which I highlighted the fact that it was not girls but boys who were disadvantaged in education, and indeed in most areas of life. Twenty-five years later  my conclusions were confirmed by the  federal parliamentary report  on the education of boys, "Boys: Getting it right"   (October 2002), an inquiry which was instigated  by growing concern  throughout Australia about the failures of  males in the education system.

Who Pays for Feminist Policies?

The face of war is never pretty, but this time war showed us images we have never seen before. We saw pictures of mothers being sent to Iraq to fight one of the cruelest regimes in the world. What is the matter with the men of this country -- our political and military leaders -- that they acquiesce in the policy of sending mothers of infants out to fight Saddam Hussein? Are they the kind of man who, on hearing a noise at 2 a.m., would send his wife or daughter downstairs to confront an intruder?

Canadian researcher highlights premature birth risk after abortion

In view of the debate in Australia about the prohibitive costs of liability insurance for doctors, especially for obstetricians, the Abstract below of an article linking induced abortions with  subsequent  premature births is timely. The first author, Brent Rooney, is a Canadian medical researcher. 

Abortion - Breast Cancer Informed Consent Legislation

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer    responds enthusiastically to news that the Texas state legislature passed  informed consent legislation requiring physicians to inform abortion-bound  women about the increased risk of breast cancer associated with the  procedure. Texas Governor Rick Perry is expected to sign it. 

National & Overseas News

The essays of Allan Carlson, President of the Howard Centre, Rockford, Illinois, and Convenor of the World Congress of Families I and II, have been translated into Russian and published  by the Sociology Department of Moscow Lomonosov State University,  in a book  titled "Society,  Family and Person".



2nd September 2003: Endeavour Forum Inc Public Meeting, 7.30 pm at St. Joseph’s Hall, 51 Stanhope St., Malvern Vic. 3144. Speakers: Mr. Kerry Bartlett, M.H.R. Chair, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education & Training: “Problems in the Education of Boys”, and the Hon. Senator Ron Boswell, National Party Senate Leader: “Small Business and the Family”. The meeting will be chaired by Mrs. Jenny Stokes, Research Officer, Salt Shakers, and the Opening Prayer will be said by Miss Bernadette Quinn, Endeavour Forum. The vote of thanks will be given by Mr. Alan Barron, Convenor, Institute of Men’s Studies. Everyone welcome, $5 donation. Encourage family and friends to attend, especially those concerned about boys’ education, and those involved in small businesses. RSVP: Mrs. Prue Oldham 9583 6835 or Mrs. Margaret Butts, 9589 5039


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