Newsletter No. 184, April, 2024
Endeavour Forum Inc. NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN
Important Upcoming Events & Notices
Impending assault on religious freedom
Climate alarmism is based on exaggeration and falsehoods
Bjorn Lomberg
Pleading for the unborn and their mothers at the UN
Denise Mountenay
How can we mend our fractured society?
John Morrissey
Mindszenty Report - A Christian perspective on Hamas
The sterility epidemic and its causes
William Kilpatrick
Who will stand up for men and boys?
Bill Muehlenberg
BOOK SHELF Veteran anti-drug crusader's call to arms
Book review by John Morrissey
News and views from around the world
How the Christian in ancient Rome 'out-lived the pagan, out-died him, and out-thought him'
Terrot R. Glover
Notice re correspondence
Please direct all mail for John Ballantyne
to 12 Denham Place, Toorak, Vic. 3142.
Please don't forget donations to our Newsletter! Donations and Renewals can be made directly by internet transfer to the Commonwealth Bank, BSB 063 144 Account No. 1012 1106. Please ensure your name is clearly printed on the Payee Reference so we know who the transfers are from and can thank you.