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Don't call pregnant patients 'mothers', UK govt tells UN

from the Christian Institute (UK) October 24, 2017

A United Nations human rights treaty should replace "pregnant women" with "pregnant people" to avoid offending transsexuals, the UK Government has said. The Sunday Times reported that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) feared excluding "transgender people who have given birth".

But following a backlash, the Prime Minister's spokesman has said the term "pregnant women" is 'of course acceptable'.

The FCO was submitting a proposed amendment to the UN's International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In its suggested change, the UK Government put forward the transgender proposal.

Sarah Ditum, a feminist writer, criticised the submission: "This isn't inclusion. This is making women unmentionable. Having a female body and knowing what that means for reproduction doesn't make you 'exclusionary'. Forcing us to decorously scrub out any reference to our sex on pain of being called bigots is an insult."

Theresa May's Conservative Government yesterday sought to downplay the issue, with the Prime Minister's spokesman telling journalists the FCO's comments had been in relation to "one specific case" and "nobody in government is objecting to the term pregnant women".

Earlier this month, it was revealed that the question 'What is your sex?' could be dropped from the next census, over concerns about transsexualism.

A report by the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS)suggests that asking people to declare their sex is "irrelevant, unacceptable and intrusive, particularly to trans participants".

The document even states that meeting the needs of trans respondents should take precedence over "data requirements".

Postscript: More medical madness

Earlier this year, doctors in the UK were banned from calling pregnant patients "mothers" by the official guidelines issued by the British Medical Association (BMA), which was afraid that it would upset transgenders, so it directed doctors instead to refer to expectant mothers as merely "pregnant people".

"The move aims to avoid offending and alienating transgender parents," the UK's Daily Mail reported in January. "The advice came in a 14-page booklet titled A Guide to Effective Communication: Inclusive Language in the Workplace."

National Health Service (NHS) doctors were among the BMA's 160,000 members who were ordered to comply with the pro-LGBT policy.

A woman going by the name of "Hayden" Cross was one motiving factor behind the guidance, as she delayed her gendertransforming surgery in order to become the first "trans male" to give birth in the UK

From Michael Haverluck,, November 2, 2017.

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