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News and Views from around the World

Biden's endless gifts to China

The gifts the Biden Administration has already given the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in just two years have been nothing short of exorbitant — and often to the detriment of the U.S.

They have included cancelling the China Initiative that was countering CCP espionage on American soil; allowing the CCP spy-balloon to leisurely hover over America's major nuclear and military sites while gathering sensitive information to send back to Beijing in real time; permitting CCP interests (there are no private interests in China) to buy up American farmland — especially near U.S. military bases — also with the potential of controlling the distribution of food inside the U.S. or manipulating the crops; poisoning to death more than 100,000 Americans — each year — with fentanyl and other drugs; placing at least six CCP police stations inside American cities; doing nothing as the CCP has established naval and other military facilities in the Pacific, Cambodia, Equatorial Guinea, Africa, Djibouti, Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, Mexico, Argentina, and has established a significant presence on both sides of the Panama Canal.
Excerpt from Robert Williams, Gatestone Institute (New York), June 26, 2023.

Emasculating Indiana Jones

"Those days have come and gone," says Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) at one point in the newly-released film, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

And they sure have, for our hero has been emasculated on the altar of political correctness in this film, with an immoral, money-grubbing, narcissistic, feminist character usurping his place.
Excerpt from Stephen M. Klugewicz, The Imaginative Conservative (USA), July 9, 2023.

The high calling of motherhood

We are going against the grain of our culture when we try to raise daughters who value being a wife and mother as a high calling.

My oldest daughter was recently talking to a married couple in our neighbourhood. They asked her, "So what do you want to be when you grow up?" My daughter cheerfully replied, "I want to be a wife and have lots of children."

The neighbours started laughing because they thought she was joking. They expected her to say something like, "I want to be a brain surgeon." They mocked the idea that an intelligent and energetic teenage girl would aspire to be a wife and mother.

I'm glad that my mother didn't think that way, and I'm glad that the mother of my children doesn't think that way.
Excerpt from Andy Naselli, American Reformer, July 28, 2023.

Canada now killing the poor and disabled

I find the Canadian term "medical aid in dying" (MAiD) deeply pernicious. It conjures up an image of someone who is already dying of a painful and terrible disease, and the aid they receive seems good and possibly even heroic. So I will switch from the misleading term "medical aid in dying" and now speak of "physician-assisted killing", or PAK.

In what kinds of cases are the powers that be in Canada telling people that they might be better off dead? Well, how about a veteran who asked for PTSD treatment? Or another veteran who asked that a wheelchair ramp be built into her home? Though neither was dying, in both cases they were asked if PAK would be a better option for them. The Toronto Star, the largest and most progressive newspaper in Canada, described the move toward these practices as "Hunger Games style social Darwinism".
Excerpt from Charles C. Camosy, Public Discourse (USA), June 12, 2023.

Christian alternative to drag-queen story-hour

A few months ago, Tim Stephens, a Baptist pastor from Calgary, Alberta, in Canada, launched an initiative that he and his church put together to provide an alternative to the drag-queen story-hours that have been popping up in libraries across the country.

His events, called True Readings with True Royalty, are open to all and feature age-appropriate stories that are a positive celebration of boyhood and girlhood and an affirmation of the goodness of how we were made.

The positive message has caught on, and now these events are taking place at libraries across the country.
Excerpt from Adam Soos, Rebel News (Canada), July 4, 2023.

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