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Report on the 57th session of the UN Commission
on the Status of Women, March 2013

Theme: The Elimination & Prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls
Denise Mountenay - Canadian team leader for NGO Endeavour Forum Inc.

Special THANKS to Babette Francis and Greg Byrne and our awesome team: (photo below, l - r) of Melody Stefanson, Allan Parker, Maureen Brown, me, Margo Kirkpatrick, Patricia Ehman, Ann Olson and Ildi Curtis (absent from photo).

God opened doors for us to meet one on one with the UN Ambassadors to Argentina, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, El Salvador and our own Canadian Ambassador. At each meeting one or more of our team joined me. The Ambassadors listened intently as I shared my testimony on the pain of legal abortion and how it took the lives of my children, and how it is causing violence against women's bodies, minds and souls. We also informed them that legal abortion is also linked to depression, suicides, infertility and breast cancer.

I also told them how abortion is affecting developed countries with populations well below replacement birth rates. We were invited to a Reception for the UN Ambassador to Nigeria, where I also had the opportunity to speak to her Excellency as well as with her Minister for Women's Affairs on the pain of legal abortion, and how to highlight the humanity of children in the womb. All of these countries are being pushed to make abortion on demand legal, as a form of birth control.

We also prepared life packages and gifts for each of the Ambassadors including videos and resources on studies and information on the damage to women...a real eye opener for all of them. Thanks to Human Life Alliance for donating some excellent materials.

Part of my presentation included the fact that we are very troubled by some of the language in the UN documents that pertain to "comprehensive sexuality education". I discovered this term originates from the International Planned Parenthood Federation...where they want to indoctrinate children as young as 10 years old with the IPPF concept of “sexuality”. We also asked them to delete references to "reproductive rights" in UN documents - these words are just code for abortion on demand.

We also met with delegates from China, Germany, Thailand, Romania, Guatemala and Israel..... leaving them with information packages and resources to examine. We exposed the lies and rhetoric propagated, and proclaimed God's truth at the UN level.

On March 8th we had a packed out ‘Parallel Event’(workshop) with delegates and representatives from around the world. Tricia Ehman shared her testimony, followed by Maureen Brown talking about the sacredness of Human Life from an aboriginal point of view, along with sharing her own testimony on the pain of abortion. Dr. Sandy Christiansen, an OB/GYN gave an excellent power-point presentation on how abortion is damaging women's mental and reproductive health. As MC, I shared my testimony divulging the lies and violence of abortion for women and the child in the womb.

Allan Parker an attorney with the Texas Justice Foundation spoke on how they are collecting testimonial/declarations on the pain of abortion and have over 5,000 affidavits now. Sam Casey another lawyer from the USA spoke about the Coalition where we have put in an official complaint against China, regarding its One Child Policy and the 37 cases of women forced and coerced into aborting their children there. Another highlight was that I was interviewed in a documentary at the UN. The film crew also taped our whole workshop. I hope that this side of the story will get on air, more and more, it is a matter of life and death. Thanks for your prayers and support for this life saving work. Rev. 12:11

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