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NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the UN


Community Standards And Truth

The purpose of the Lockhart Committee is to review the Cloning and Embryo Acts of 2002 'in the light of changes in scientific or community understanding or standards since 2002'. "Progressives" will be hoping that the Review will provide an excuse to give the go-ahead to actions that were banned in 2002 - namely cloning.

Stem Cells: Breaking Through the Blackout

"SAN FRANCISCO--Despite optimism and enthusiasm, stem cell researchers arriving here in June for a conference were rowing hard against strong currents of financial, political and technical turmoil. There was even talk of trying to temper heightened public expectations that cures for diseases are imminent:

Benedict 1,  Europe 0  

Pope Benedict XVI’s contribution to the defeat of an Italian referendum targeting embryos for research and destruction has Europe’s secularists in another anti-Catholic tizzy.  Having grown accustomed to a feckless post-Vatican II Catholic Church, they were surprised and upset that Pope Benedict encouraged Italy’s bishops to torpedo the referendum by telling their flocks to boycott it.  What “unwarranted interference in Italian affairs,” they pouted.

D.O.D's New L.A.R.K.  Program  -  (It’s a lark)

Considerable numbers of concerned citizens have written to the US President and US Secretary of Defense complaining about the treatment of captives taken prisoner during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, now being held at the DOD detention center at Guantanamo Bay.   Below is a copy of the Administration's response.

British Research On Abortion-Breast Cancer

Research on the abortion-breast cancer link was presented on Wednesday, August 10 by British researcher, Patrick Carroll, at the Joint Statistical Meetings at the Minneapolis Convention Center - the largest gathering of statisticians in North America.

No Work, No Family, No Balance

(Part of this article was published in the Herald Sun, 6 July 2005)

Babette Francis

Discussion on "balancing work and family" is fuelled by elite feminists who have discovered they are not supermen and cannot "have it all". Having failed to get their  "partners" to share housework and childcare, they  now demand government and  employers enable them to "balance" work and family.

Fighting Mad?  Mad apology too.....  Editor

The Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender & Supporters Alliance of Harvard University is fighting mad. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith won an award from the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations. During her acceptance speech, she told women in the audience, "you can have it all – a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career … To my men, open your mind, open your eyes to new ideas."

Agenda Behind Religious Vilification Legislation

Of greatest concern in Victoria, Australia has been the existence of anti-free-speech legislation on religious grounds. Enacted in 2001, a statute of this sort has been used as an instrument of persecution by ‘religious’ people such as a transgender witch, a paedophile Satanist who is currently arrested for prostituting and enslaving teenage girls, and an occultist society whose ‘religious’ book contains verses talking about the eating of human flesh, the sacrifice of a child, and the killing and torture of people.

APA Ignored Evidence that Homosexual Behaviour is Part of Psychiatric Disorder says Noted Psychiatrist Psyhtric rder Sys ted Psychiatrist

In an interview with the Rome-based Zenit news service, Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons a psychiatrist and member of the Catholic Medical Association, said that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has ignored evidence that homosexual behaviour is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder.

From the Pulpit    

The minister of a prominent D.C. Baptist church is under fire from homosexuals because of remarks he made about lesbianisn and feminism in a sermon. The Rev. Willie Wilson, senior pastor of Union Temple Baptist Church, says his remarks were taken out of context. In this instance, there's nothing wrong with a preacher sermonizing on culture.

Moms Make Lousy Dads

One of the more fatuous beliefs that has been foisted off by self-proclaimed feminists and other politically correct lamebrains is that children don't really need fathers. I used to say that American women, thanks to increased salaries and well-stocked sperm banks, had reached a point where they only needed men to open ketchup bottles and get stuff down from high shelves. Ladies, I was joking!

Paternity Fraud

Liam Magill married Meredith McClelland in 1988. Her uncle, Bryan Lockhardt McClelland conducted the marriage ceremony at Meredith’s home town and her family’s property Tallulah in Sea Lake Victoria. They were married for only four years. She gave birth to three children, in 1989, 1990 and 199l. Liam loved Meredith and he trusted her. He is a non-confrontational man who just kept believing Meredith about the unplanned pregnancies.

Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

The Victorian Law Reform Commission relentlessly pursues its agenda of making Adoption and Assisted Reproductive Technology rights available to homosexuals on the same basis as these are available to married couples, regardless of whether the majority of submissions from Victorian citizens oppose such an agenda. The VLRC objective is based on the myth that there is no difference between homosexual relationships and marriage.

On Marriage, by Bishop Fred Henry, Calgary, Canada

“Marriage, the committed union between a man and a woman with its inherent capacity for bringing children in to the world, remains what it is. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms explicitly links belief in the rule of law to belief in the sovereignty of God. Without grounding in either natural law or revealed law, our government has voted to alter the definition given to marriage for the purposes of Canadian civil law.....

The Link between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking

Politicians of all political parties are opposed to the international sex trade, i.e. the trafficking of women and children for prostitution; indeed trafficking in persons is a criminal offence in Australia under the sex slavery laws enacted by the Commonwealth in 1999.   However many politicians and the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission take a benevolent view about domestic prostitution, failing to realise (or acknowledge) that the legalisation of brothels within Australia fuels international sex trafficking.


“The Supremacists” by Phyllis Schlafly. Spence Publishing Company, Dallas, 2004. Available from AD 2000 Books, Price $35.  Ph: (03) 9326 5757. Reviewed by Charles Francis, AM, QC, RFD.

The latter years of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century was the golden age of democracy both in Australia and the United States. For that, inter alia, we had to thank the very clear principle of separation of powers set out in our respective Constitutions with their appropriate checks and balances.

US Supreme Court Parallels Between Slavery And Abortion

Augusto Zimmermann

Extract from a paper “Abortion - A Crime Against Humanity”  presented at the Right to Life Association Conference, July 2005

In a famous case decided in 1857, the US Supreme Court declared that black people had no human rights and, therefore, were entirely subject to the rights of slave-owners. A century later, in 1973, this very court also decided that unborn children had no human rights and, therefore, were entirely subject to the rights of women.



Endeavour Forum Inc. Public Meeting

Racial & Religious Tolerance Legislation

7.30 pm on Monday, 21 November 2005  at St. Michael's Hall, 2 Victory Boulevarde,  Ashburton,  Vic. 3147.  Speakers:  Rev. Dr. Mark Durie,  Vicar, St. Mary's Anglican Church,  Nth Caulfield,  and The Hon. David Clarke, MLC, NSW.  Chairman:  The Hon. Peter Hall, MLC, Vic.  The Opening Prayer will be said by Mrs. Margaret Butts,  Victorian Co-ordinator, Endeavour Forum Inc., and the  vote of thanks will be given by  Mrs. Jenny Stokes, Research Officer, Salt Shakers.  All welcome, $5 donation appreciated.  RSVP:   Mrs. Prue Oldham,  (03) 9583 6835 or Mrs. Margaret Butts, (03) 9589 5039.




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