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At the session of the UN Nations Human Rights Council which concluded at the end of March, Nicaragua underwent the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This is an opportunity for the UNHRC - an inter-governmental UN body made up of 47 States responsible for addressing situations of human rights violations and making recommendations on them - to examine the human rights record of all member states. (Each country is reviewed every four years.)

Nicaragua came up against intense and concerted international pressure from UN member states, UN agencies and NGOs over the abortion ban the Latin American country’s National Assembly adopted unanimously into law four years ago - and this despite providing evidence that the prohibition on abortion has helped lower maternal mortality rates.

As part of its UPR, Nicaragua defended its pro-life legislation reporting that “legal amendments reflected the exercise of sovereignty, and had been adopted by the parliamentary majority in the national assembly.” Nicaragua stated that the abortion ban was “an issue of sovereignty, not a religious one” as “the majority of Nicaraguans believed that the right to life of the unborn was important.”

Countering criticisms previously issued against the ban by members of the international community, Nicaragua reported that many cases had been brought before the Supreme Court to challenge the constitutionality of the amendment, and decisions are still pending. Medical staff are not forbidden to provide medical care when the life of a mother is in danger.

Prior to Nicaragua's UPR appearance, Amnesty International (AI) launched a campaign calling on other countries to pressure Nicaragua to repeal the abortion ban. The AI campaign argued that "UN member states should take this opportunity to hold Nicaragua to account for a law that violates women's right to life, health and dignity." However, no UN treaty mentions abortion and there is no binding human rights obligation to allow abortions. Members of the committees charged with overseeing state compliance to the treaties have taken it upon themselves to attach a "right to abortion" to countries “international obligations”.
(From C-fam.org )


Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN