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President, Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer


The Feminist Majority Foundation claims to be ‘dedicated to women’s equality, reproductive health and non-violence, but actions speak louder than words. Eleanor Smeal, the group’s president, and her colleagues do not care if women die of breast cancer or have premature births because of their abortions.

If Smeal et al. had the slightest concern for women’s health, they would never have initiated a despicable attack on crisis pregnancy centers that serve pregnant mothers, in part, by warning them about the grave health risks associated with abortion. Telling women the truth about the abortion-breast cancer link is as bad for business as telling consumers about the risks of smoking. Whether it’s Big Abortion or Big Tobacco, making money is more important to them than protecting consumer health.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. If, as standard medical texts say, delaying a first full term pregnancy, childlessness, little or no breastfeeding and small family size put women at much greater risk for the disease, then the young woman who has an abortion has a greater risk than does the one who has a baby. The woman who aborts forfeits the protective effect of childbearing.

Smeal should get a conscience, and stop playing politics with women’s health. A fact sheet discussing the three ways that abortion increases breast cancer risk is available at
http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/download/ TALKI NG_POINTS.pdf

While the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has denied the abortion breast cancer link, they have arrived at a contradictory conclusion, as they admit to the protective effects of pregnancy: “Early age at first term birth is related to a lifetime decrease in breast cancer risk.Increasing parity (the number of children a woman has) is associated with a long-term risk reduction, even when controlling for age at first birth... Nulliparous women (those who have not given birth) have approximately the same risk as a woman with a first term birth around age 30.”

The NCI, acknowledges what has never been disputed and that is, nature provides a biological mechanism which reduces a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Early age at first full-term birth and having more children, result in a decreased risk of breast cancer. This is a result of the biological mechanism that takes a woman through a differentiation stage of breast development, that allows her to breast feed her child. Currently, eight Medical Organizations recognize the abortion/breast cancer link. The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons published “The Breast Cancer Epidemic”, acknowledging seven risk factors, indicating abortion is the “best predictor of breast cancer,” and that fertility is also a useful predictor.

[The Feminist Majority Foundation reminds us of the role of Emily’s List in promoting the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008 - Ed]



Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN