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President Obama asks for Jesus’ Name to be covered

Christian Newswire Report



The Christian Defense Coalition was appalled and stunned that President Obama asked for a Christian faith symbol to be covered during his Georgetown University speech in April. The White House confirmed on April 16 that they asked for a cross and the the symbol, IHS, which represents the name of Jesus, to be covered “to have a consistent background of American flags....”

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director, Christian Defense Coalition, said: “It is difficult to imagine how any President could ask a Catholic University to cover up a sacred symbol representing Jesus just to accommodate a speech and create a background. In 32 years of public ministry, I have never seen a President of the United States show such complete contempt and disrespect for faith. This action by the White House should appall and anger every American who cherishes sacred traditions...especially Christians.....

“The image that the Obama team portrayed during the campaign, of Mr. Obama being a man of deep faith, understanding and tolerance is now completely in tatters. It is stunning and shameful that anyone would ask a Christian institution to cover up a public symbol of Jesus.... this is not a person who respects faith.”

Calling the Obama administration the most anti-religious administration in American history, the national advocacy group, In God We Trust, rejected a public explanation from the White House about its demand that Georgetown University cover a cross and the Roman Catholic abbreviation for Jesus during a Presidential speech. “The White House’s claim that officials did not mean to cover up these important symbols during the speech at Georgetown is typical political baloney aimed at defusing a firestorm of criticism from Americans who are fed up with the President’s hostility towards faith,” says Bishop Council Nedd, Bishop of the Chesapeake and Northeast for the Episcopal Missionary Church and In God We Trust’s Chairman. “Barack Obama is the most anti-religious President in our nation’s history. This administration didn’t want to offend its left-wing base by having the President appear and be photographed in front of religious icons. President Obama is again pandering to anti-religious activists within his own party.” In God We Trust, has launched a $1 million grass- roots campaign to fight back against the Obama administration’s anti-religious policies and appointments.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented:“The cowardice of Georgetown to stand fast on principle tells us more than we need to know about what is going on there, but the bigger story is the audacity of the Obama administration to ask a religious school to neuter itself before the president speaks there. It is difficult to imagine how any President could ask a Catholic University to cover up a sacred symbol representing Jesus just to accommodate a speech and create a background.Moreover, the same separationof- church-and-state fanatics who go nuts every time a polling place is set up in the basement of a Catholic school have been noticeably silent over this incident”.



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