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November 25, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – “Gender mainstreaming,” an ideology that proposes to erase the foundational unit of western society, the natural family, is being infiltrated into laws and institutions around the world under the rubric of “equality” legislation and guidelines, says Gabrielle Kuby.... In an article, “Gender Mainstreaming – The Secret Revolution,” to be published in German in this month’s edition of Vatican magazine, she writes on the threat of the work of ideologues on the far left who are working to create a “new man” who can arbitrarily decide whether he is a man, a woman or some other “gender” unrelated to the natural distinctions of biology. “According to them,” she writes, “there are not two sexes, but six or more, depending on sexual preference.”

“Behind the facade” of equality, “lurks the general attack on the moral standards to which we owe the Western culture. Without it, neither the family nor Christianity can survive.”

Gabrielle Kuby warns that the new ideology is being carefully inculcated into international law and particularly into the materials made available to educators to create school curricula: “This view of freedom and sexuality, according to the will of the UN, EU and most European governments is to be imprinted onto the minds of children from the nursery onwards.”

In the case of one national government, Germany’s, the “gender mainstreaming” ideology is part of the guiding principles of every ministry of the government. The homepage of the German government’s Ministry of Science says, “The Federal Government has established an equal opportunities policy based on the political strategy of gender mainstreaming as a universal guiding principle.”

Gabrielle Kuby’s contention is supported by John Smeaton, head of the UK’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, who wrote this weekend that people in Europe who adhere to traditional Judeo-Christian values and ideas are under threat by anti-family ideologues working to enforce their anti-family policies and silence dissent.

“Pro-life and pro-family campaigners,” he wrote, “must expect to see the publication of documents, funded by the European Union, which promote abortion, euthanasia and other anti-life and anti-family practices - with a special emphasis on zero tolerance for dissent.”

Gabrielle Kuby’s thesis also corresponds with that of Babette Francis, a long-time campaigner for life and family at the international level who in 2004 told LifeSiteNews.com that the fight over the definition of “gender” has become the cornerstone of UN and other internationalist ideology. This ideology also links closely to the efforts of the international agencies to impose legal abortion on countries in developing nations.

Babette Francis said that the gender ideology was first raised at a seminal conference on women, Beijing +5, in 1995, when delegates argued that gender was a socially malleable concept and that human beings could not be restricted to the mere biological categories of male and female. The argument was that there is a “continuous spectrum and that there were all kinds of genders.”

Gabrielle Kuby also relates that the gender ideology first found fertile ground when it was brought forward by a powerful group of feminist and lesbian NGOs at the Beijing conference. Since then gender mainstreaming has been pushed into international law with the Treaty of Amsterdam (1999) and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights of Nice (2000). As a negation of the traditional values of the family, “abortion follows automatically as part of the global agenda” of the gender ideologies.

Gabrielle Kuby concludes with an admonition that Christians fight the incursions of the new ideologies.

“At this stage of history, the main attack of evil is in the field of sexuality. Christians need to meet the enemy there, otherwise they will have lost. If the young generation is pushed into moral degeneracy, the human condition of family and faith will be further destroyed and abortion will
never be overcome.”

[To read the complete article by Gabrielle Kuby, see:

Interview with Babette Francis on the UN’s Destruction of the Concept of Gender see http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2004/mar/040323a.html]


Cardinal on Biblical Condemnation of Homosexuality
“We’re Not Allowed the Cowardice of
‘Politically Correct’ Silence
Report by John-Henry Westen

Italian Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, the former Archbishop of Bologna who last year was selected by Pope Benedict XVI to preach the papal Lenten retreat, has authored a new book in which he addresses, among other things, the question of homosexuality. In ‘Sheep and Shepherds’, Cardinal Biffi notes that the Biblical condemnation of homosexuality is explicit and Christians are not “allowed, if we want to be
faithful to the word of God, the pusillanimity of passing over it in silence out of concern of appearing ‘politically incorrect.’”

The Cardinal’s book is replete with references to the Sacred Scriptures, with which he makes his case that the societal acceptance of and spread of homosexuality is both “the proof and the result of the exclusion of God from collective attention and social life, and of the refusal to give Him due praise.”

In a chapter on ‘The Challenge of Chastity’, Cardinal Biffi writes: “The exclusion of the Creator leads to the complete derailment of reason: “’They became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened. While claiming to be wise, they became fools’ (Romans 1:21-22).

“As a result of this intellectual blindness, both theory and behavior have fallen into complete dissoluteness:

“’Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies’ (Romans 1:24)

“And in order to prevent any misunderstanding or any convenient interpretation, the Apostle continues with a striking analysis, formulated in perfectly explicit terms:

“’Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper’ (Romans 1:26-28).

“In fact, Saint Paul is careful to observe that extreme abjection occurs when ‘they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them’ (Romans 1:32).”

The Cardinal acknowledges the modern day pressures on Christians to remain silent on the subject; however, he notes that these quotes are “a page of the inspired Book that no human authority can force us to censor.”

Rather than be silent, Cardinal Biffi says, “We must instead point out the singular relevance of this teaching of divine Revelation: what St. Paul identified in the culture of the Greco-Roman world prophetically demonstrates its correspondence with what has taken place in Western culture in recent centuries: the exclusion of the Creator - to the point of proclaiming grotesquely that ‘God is dead’ - has had the consequence, almost as an inevitable punishment, of the spread of an aberrant sexual ideology, with an arrogance unknown to previous times.”

[The 256-page book “Pecore e pastori. Riflessioni sul gregge di Cristo”, is available in Italian only. Here:
(translation of text courtesy of Sandro Magister http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/?eng=y]

Australian Government enacts homosexual “rights” legislation
Babette Francis

The Australian Government has enacted three Bills which give homosexual partnerships the same rights and recognitions as natural marriage. Changes have been made to around 100 family, health and taxation laws so that they now include same-sex partnerships in the provisions for opposite-sex couples living together in “de facto,” or common-law, liaisons. They also confer parental rights on same sex partners who have children.The bills would allow homosexuals to leave superannuation entitlements to partners and otherwise alter the law on taxes, social security, health, aged care and employment benefits so as to treat same-sex liaisons as effectively equal to marriage.

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, told LifeSiteNews.com that the Australian legislation is typical of western countries, in which those who perpetuate the Culture of Death go about installing their program of radical change over and above the wishes of the population.


The Persecution of Warwick Marsh

President of the Fatherhood Foundation, Warwick Marsh, is an honourable Christian who has done much to encourage men to take responsibility for their families, for their health and for their own moral behaviour. He has organised several conferences in Parliament House, Canberra, on “Sexual Integrity” opposing the trafficking of women in prostitution, on Marriage, and on Pro-life issues. He has acknowledged the work of pro-life and pro-family MPs at the “William Wilberforce Breakfast”, (named after the British campaigner against slavery).

Appointed by Federal Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, as a “Men’s Health Ambassador”, Warwick Marsh was sacked when homosexual activists complained about his role in publishing “21 Reasons why Gender Matters”, a booklet explaining the significance of “male” and “female”, and why men and woman are not identical. Among contributors to the booklet were David & Ros Phillips, Bill Muehlenberg, Peter & Jenny Stokes, Graham McLennan and myself. We have distributed the booklet at Endeavour Forum public meetings, as has the Australian Family Assoc.

Among the “Men’s Health Ambassadors” who has retained his job is Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s boyfriend, Tim Mathieson, who is a hairdresser. The rationale for his appointment (apart from his high status de facto relationship) is that men talk to their hairdressers.

Well a lot of men have talked to Warwick Marsh and been helped by him. He was sacked because of alleged “homophobia”. Apparently if one tells the truth - that homosexual liaisons are not good for physical or emotional health and not the ideal environment for raising children, one is disqualified from being a government appointee to anything, even as a volunteer.

How ironic when scientific (not religious) data shows that the life expectancy for male homosexuals is decades less than for heterosexual men, and when the World Health
Organisation at the UN’s high level meeting on AIDS in New York in June 2008 finally acknowledged there will be no AIDS pandemic among heterosexuals (except in sub-
Saharan Africa) because the illness has mostly been contracted by homosexual men and intravenous drug users. Health Minister Nicola Roxon should check the data on HIV infections in Australia. It shows, as WHO stated, that this disease is predominantly contracted by homosexual men.

Warwick Marsh has been sacked for publishing a booklet which tells the truth. Those contributing to “21 Reasons Why Gender Matters” include most of the pro-family organisations in Australia. Write to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to say that the sacking of Warwick Marsh is intolerable as his views are scientific, not homophobic.




Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN