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[This article is written from a US perspective, but the information is relevant to Australia]


October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  If you are tired of the media hype and want to make a REAL difference in breast cancer rates, then consider these suggestions. 

Remember that breast cancer rates have surged this year to nearly 275,000 total cases (invasive and in-situ breast cancer) and nearly 41,000 deaths. 

Ask yourself what the leaders of the cancer fundraising industry have done to DECREASE breast cancer rates.  Remember that breast cancer rates have climbed significantly on their watch! 

Several cancer organizations' websites openly boast that some of their board members and/or staff previously worked for (or were otherwise associated with) Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League, the American Civil Liberties Union, or some other abortion-supporting organization.  Moreover, several reports indicate that the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation continues to give funds to Planned Parenthood. 

Should we be surprised that they didn't warn women about the breast cancer risks associated with induced abortion and the use of combined oral contraceptives (including the pill, transdermal patch, injection or vaginal ring)?  These risks and the risk of using combined hormone replacement therapy became evident as early as the mid-1980's.  Why weren't women told?

The tobacco-cancer link might never have been brought to the public's attention if Big Tobacco's executives had done what Big Abortion's feminists are now doing - sitting on the boards of cancer fundraising organizations. 

Combined oral contraceptives are powerful steroidal hormones that contain estrogen and progestin.  For many years, estrogen overexposure has been connected with the development of most breast cancers.   {See the World Health Organization's press release on the risk of using combined oral contraceptives and combined hormone replacement therapy at:

A Google search using the terms, "nuns, breast cancer rates," will show you that scientists have known for several centuries that childbearing significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer.  Childbearing is so important in preventing the disease that an Oxford team of scientists concluded in 2002 that breast cancer rates would decline in developed nations by over one-half if women would increase the sizes of their families and breastfeed longer.  [Beral V, et al. Lancet 2002;360:187-195] 

Why does a full term pregnancy reduce breast cancer risk?  Childless women have cancer-vulnerable Type 1 and 2 lobules where most cancers develop. During the last eight weeks of a full term pregnancy, most of a woman's breast lobules are matured into Type 3 lobules, which are resistant to cancer.

At the end of pregnancy, when the lobules contain milk, they are called"Type 4 lobules."  These are also resistant to cancer.  The longer a woman breastfeeds, the longer she keeps her breast lobules matured into Type 4 lobules, and the lower her breast cancer risk is. 

Breastfeeding also reduces risk because the woman is exposed to less estrogen.  Breastfeeding causes the woman's menstrual periods to be suspended for a time; and she has some menstrual cycles without an estrogen peak before ovulation. 

Nevertheless, feminist propaganda equates having an abortion and using oral contraceptives with "reproductive health."  Feminists, drug companies and the abortion industry treat women like guinea pigs!

So what should the concerned person do to make a REAL difference in breast cancer rates? 

First, tell all cancer organizations that solicit funds from you that you only give your money to organizations that tell women the truth about the breast cancer risks of induced abortion and combined oral contraceptives. 

Second, send a tax-deductible, sacrificial donation to the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer.  You can find our snail mail and web addresses below. 

Third, distribute our brochures at cancer walks, conferences, schools, doctors' offices, churches and crisis pregnancy centers.  Educate women about the cover-up of the abortion-breast cancer link and the risk-reducing benefits of childbearing. 

  You can purchase our newly updated 2006 brochures here: 

Finally, share this article with your friends and family members. 

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer. 

Credit card donations can be made at Donations can be mailed to: the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, P.O. Box 957133, Hoffman Estates, IL 60195, USA.



Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer 

Breast Cancer Prevention Institute 

Polycarp Research Institute 



Web Page:






Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN