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Apparently, my last letter to you made the abortion enthusiasts at the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) very unhappy.  I wrote that the NBCC is one of several breast cancer fundraising businesses that has one or more leaders who formerly worked either in the abortion industry or for an abortion advocacy group. 

For making this known, the NBCC nominated us for a new award - the “Golden Boob Award.”  Obviously, the “award” is in very poor taste, especially coming from a breast cancer organization whose leaders are supposed to care about victims of the disease. 

But what do you do when science isn’t on your side? If you’re an abortion-supporting feminist at the NBCC, you resort to third-grade tactics!  But the NBCC’s publicity prank backfired.  Jill Stanek, who is on our advisory board, skewered the NBCC.  In her column for World Net Daily, she wrote: 

“’Biggest boobs’? That  the NBCC would so crassly refer to a body part carrying such deep sexual and maternal significance to those mourning or fearing its loss is shameful - the equivalent to announcing the Little Baldy Awards for child leukemia research.”  

Even Rush Limbaugh jumped into the fray!  He shared much of  Jill Stanek’s column with his audience of 20million people!  He roasted NBCC feminists and wondered why they would be angry with us for simply reporting the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) connection. Elevating his voice a little, he declared unequivocally, “That’s what the research SHOWS!” 

Why would the NBCC’s leaders be angry with us for reporting the research - especially if, as NBCC’s president Fran Visco said, her group has “no agenda other than to end breast cancer”?  And, as  Jill Stanek said, why would the NBCC be worried about women being scared from having abortions if the NBCC has no abortion agenda? 

Fran Visco has not accepted our challenge to a public debate on the ABC link.  Why not?  If abortion doesn’t raise breast cancer risk, why not jump at the opportunity to make us look foolish by proving it publicly?  Why has a public debate on the ABC link never taken place?  I’ll tell you why - because our opponents would LOSE any debate on the link. 

Cynthia Pearson, the NBCC’s treasurer, is executive director of the National Women’s Health Network (NWHN), a group that advances the interests of the abortion industry.  NWNH’s website proudly trumpets her work history at the San Diego clinic, WomanCare.  It says she worked as an “abortion-rights organizer for Colorado NARAL” (National Abortion Rights Action League). 

Certainly, groups like NARAL and NWHN do not want the cancer establishment to acknowledge the truth that abortion raises women’s risk for breast cancer.  THAT would be bad for business! 

Cynthia Pearson has the very highest abortion industry credentials. She is the proud recipient of the Margaret Sanger Award from the Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers and the Susan B. Anthony Award from San Diego County N.O.W.  This was reported on a Yale University web page where  Cynthia Pearson is lauded for teaching women how to perform “menstrual extractions,” otherwise known as “self-abortions.” 

Can someone like  Cynthia Pearson objectively evaluate the ABC research?  Her life’s work has caused untold numbers of women to suffer horrendously and die of breast cancer. Those who work in the abortion industry do not belong in the cancer establishment any more than an asbestos manufacturer does. 

The abortion industry has had more than two decades to prepare for this moment when the truth would start to emerge, so its leaders have had plenty of time to study the tobacco industry’s playbook.  They have used their time well by infiltrating the cancer establishment. 

By now, it must be very apparent to you that the abortion and cancer fundraising industries have teamed up with one another and that vital health information is being kept from women.  This is a national health care scandal. 

The NBCC accused us of “seeking to exploit breast cancer” for our “own political or financial aims.” But you would laugh heartily if you saw how small our budget is, in comparison to what the NBCC’s budget is. We’re not supported by wealthy foundations, like the NBCC is.  The Barbra Streisand Foundation, which advances the cause of “reproductive choice,” funds the NBCC.  By contrast, we’re supported by the widow’s mite ..... 

Thank you for all of your assistance that you have provided us over the years.  You have been a blessing to us and to all women and their families around the world.


Karen Malec

President, Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer




Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN