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Many journalists have been complicit in the misrepresentations of the merits of embryonic stem cells versus adult stem cells for the treatment of  disease and disability.  Very often a success is reported - in curing blood diseases or healing of bone fractures for example - as being achieved with "stem cells".  Naive readers are then regaled with a diatribe from cloning  lobbyists  and embryo experimenters about "religious fundamentalists" who because of their opposition to "scientific progress"  are condemning the paralysed to a life in wheelchairs, or preventing cures for Alzheimers, motor neurone disease and other ills.  Not mentioned is that all the treatments and cures are from adult stem cells, not cloned embryos.


Cloning  lobbyists also refuse to admit that the embryo is a human life, dismissing it as a pin-head clump of cells. [They said that once about the fetus, until ultrasound  showed  the fetus was a small baby].  Well we were all embryos once  -  and   no one has the right to destroy human life so   that some  benefit may eventually emerge.(See pp. 7, 8 and 16).


Another area dominated by the lies of the death lobby is the abortion industry, regardless of how many research studies show  abortion is harmful to mothers, besides killing  their unborn children.  In Victoria the feministas of "Emily's List" have a stranglehold  on Premier Bracks' Labor government, which if re-elected will move to decriminalise abortion.  This will  legalize horrendous procedures such as partial-birth abortion (see p. 3)  and give legitimacy to third- trimester  abortions   such as the abortion at the Royal Women's Hospital  of the 32-week-gestation fetus that was "suspected" of  suffering from dwarfism.


When the study by Professor David Fergusson of New Zealand  showed that  “women  having an abortion had elevated rates of subsequent mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, suicidal behaviors and substance abuse disorders,"   feminists disputed the findings.         Fergusson, who is a self-described pro-choice atheist and rationalist, said  it would be "scientifically irresponsible to overlook the findings. To provide a parallel to this situation, if we were to find evidence of an adverse reaction to medication, we would be obligated ethically to publish that fact. From a personal point of view, I would have rather seen the results come out the other way -- but they didn't. And as a scientist you have to report the facts, not what you'd like to report."


How can the Australian Medical Association  continue to justify abortion for "mental health" reasons when all the evidence indicates  the procedure harms women?  Data  from Finland and California   shows that women who have abortions are far more likely to die from all causes in the subsequent 12 months than women who give birth or who have not been pregnant.   A new  study on adolescents  by  Dr. Priscilla Coleman,  assistant professor at Bowling Green State University, USA,   found that  even in the event of an unintended teen pregnancy, giving birth is better for teenagers than abortion, which can  cause severe mental health problems in young women.  “The scientific evidence is now both strong and compelling," Dr.  Coleman contends, “that abortion poses more risks to women than giving birth."


Come to our public meeting and hear from women hurt by abortion. 

Endeavour Forum Inc. Public Meeting

"Silent No More - Women's Voices"

7.30 pm on Thursday, 16 November   2006   at  Dromana Parish Hall, (adjacent to our Lady of Perpetual Help)  Foote St., (off Beach Rd.,)  Dromana, Vic., 3936.  Speakers: Mrs. Kay Painter and  Miss Karen Bodle of Operation Outcry.   The meeting will be chaired by  the Hon. Peter Hall, MLC.  (National Party).  The Opening Prayer will be said by Miss Lucy De Summa, Secretary, Endeavour Forum, and the vote of thanks will be given by  Mrs. Sheila Wells, Pregnancy Counselling Australia.     All welcome, $5 donation appreciatedRSVP:    Mrs. Margaret Butts, (03) 9589 5039 or Mrs. Sheila Wells (03) 5986 1585




Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN