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Endeavour Forum Inc. Public Meeting

"Silent No More - Women's Voices"

7.30 pm on Thursday, 16 November   2006   at  Dromana Parish Hall, (adjacent to our Lady of Perpetual Help)  Foote St., (off Beach Rd.,)  Dromana, Vic.  3936.

Speakers: Mrs. Kay Painter and   Miss Karen Bodle of Operation Outcry, who will speak on behalf of women hurt by abortion.   The meeting will be chaired by  the Hon. Peter Hall, MLC. (National Party).  The Opening Prayer will be said by Miss Lucy De Summa, Secretary, Endeavour Forum Inc.  and the vote of thanks will be  given by   Mrs. Sheila Wells, Pregnancy Counselling Australia.     All welcome, $5 donation  appreciated. 

RSVP:    Mrs. Margaret Butts, (03) 9589 5039 or Mrs. Sheila Wells (03) 5986 1585



From  Matthew 24: In answer to His disciples question about what would be a sign of His return Jesus gave a description of what is happening in the world now.  He told us to look up and rejoice because our redemption was close.

Heavenly Father as the world drifts  close to  war and disaster, we pray for sanity to prevail against the  hatreds that  fuel  conflicts, we pray for  women and children, the innocent victims.  We thank You, Heavenly Father that You have promised that Jesus will return and finally we will have peace on earth. Amen


Dr. David van Gend, Spokesman for DO NO HARM is co-ordinating the campaign to protect embryos.






Please contact your Federal MHR and Senators asking them to oppose pro-Cloning Bills by Senators Patterson and Stott Despoja.  These are the reasons why:

  • The manufacture of an embryo by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT)  is   cloning even though its proponents try to pretend it is not and no sperm is used.
  • Although it has not yet been achieved in humans, a cloned human embryo is human life, just as Dolly was a sheep, not merely a "potential" sheep.
  • Extracting stem cells  (Embryonic Stem Cells - ESCs) from an embryo, whether cloned or IVF, destroys human life, not merely “potential” human life.
  • ESCs are unnecessary  as Adult Stem Cells (ASCs)  are being used in the treatment of 70 different diseases or disabilities, while ESCs are used in none.
  • ESCs are harmful, their very "totipotency", i.e. ability to form different types of tissues results in tumours.
  • ESCs  require exploitation of women  to obtain thousands of  eggs.
  • New technologies are emerging which will make cloning and experimentation on embryos obsolete e.g. technology in Japan enabling ASCs to be more versatile, and the potential of stem cells from plants.
  • Private venture capital is not investing in ESCs -  the "market" is telling the truth. Taxpayers' or university money invested in ESCs takes money away from ASCs which ARE producing the cures and treatments.
  • The argument that Australia's ban on cloning has held back  cures for  Alzheimers, motor neurone and Huntingtons diseases is false because even in countries such as Singapore and the UK where there is no ban, there is not a single cure, treatment or even clinical trial using ESCs.






Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN