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The ubiquitous Senator Stott Despoja is constantly accusing pregnancy support services of giving misleading information to callers and "frightening" them about the physical and other risks of induced abortion. Below are Consent Forms from an abortion clinic in Texas, and the Consent Form from Planned Parenthood of Australia. The risks enumerated in these consent forms are far more frightening than anything pro-life counsellors may say. It should be particularly noted that the Texas Consent Form warns of the possible increased risk of breast cancer. If an abortion clinic is admitting this, why are we accused of "misleading" women? It seems ironic that abortion clinics are allowed to warn women of the dangers of abortion, including infertility and suicide, but when pregnancy support services do so, they are accused of being “misleading” or “false providers”!


“Disclosure & Consent” form for Termination of Pregnancy or Suction Curretage or Abortion to Medical & Surgical Procedures” of the Woman’s Choice Quality Health Centre, San Antonio, Texas, USA:

 “I also realise that the following risks and hazards may occur in connection with this particular procedure & even death:

  1. (a)   bleeding with the possibility of requiring further surgery &/or hysterectomy to control,
  2. (b)  perforation (holes in) uterus &/or damage to the bladder, bowel, blood vessel,
  3. (c)   abdominal incision & operation to correct the injury,
  4. (d)  infection of female organs:uterus, tubes, ovaries,
  5. (e)   sterility or being incapable of bearing children,
  6. (f)   Incompetent cervix,
  7. (g)  failure to remove all products of the conception,
  8. (h)  continuation of the pregnancy,
  9. (i)    depression or “ the blues”,
  10. (j)     Post abortion stress syndrome and
  11. (k)   Possible increased lifetime risk of breast cancer.



PLANNED PARENTHOOD of AUSTRALIA Continuing a tradition of caring for women: Confirmation of Informed Consent.....

  The procedure of a First Trimester Termination

The surgical termination of pregnancy takes approximately 6-10 minutes. Once the client is anaesthetised the doctor gently insets a speculum (the instrument used during a Pap Smear). Once the speculum is in place the doctor will administer local anaesthetic to the cervix. The cervix will then be gently dilated (opened) to allow for a plastic tube to enter the uterus and suction the contents. The procedure is carried out under a choice of anaesthetics: local, twilight or general anaesthesia.

Complications from First - Trimester Termination of Pregnancy: Complications include:

Post abortion syndrome - blood clots accumulating in the uterus, bleeding or pain requiring another suctioning.

Excessive bleeding that may require a blood transfusion

Residual products of conception may be left in the uterus, requiring a repeat procedure

Infections, most of which are easily identified and treated if the woman carefully observes the discharge instructions given and explained to them prior to leaving the facility

A tear in the cervix that may require stitches.

Perforation of the wall of the uterus and/or organs that may heal themselves or may require surgical repair or rarely hysterectomy.

Failure of termination of pregnancy that does not end the pregnancy which requires that the procedure is repeated.

Excessive bleeding due to failure of the uterus to contract that may require a blood transfusion.

Incompetent cervix/stenosed cervix (too tight or too loose cervix which may impair future fertility).

Asherman's syndrome (cessation of periods and adhesions in uterus that may impair future fertility).

Depression or mood disturbance, suicide

False passage/channel in the cervix, not allowing entry into the uterus.


ANAPHYLAXIS - acute allergic reaction to the drugs used. Incidence: approximately 1 in 1,000,000. None of the drugs used in this clinic are implicated. The emergency drugs and equipment required to treat this are readily at hand.

ASPIRATION OF STOMACH CONTENTS - this is where a patient vomits under anaesthetic.

There were 11 non-fatal and 3 fatal cases reported in 4 years (1.76 million cases). For this reason we require all patients to be fasted.

AWARENESS - this means being able to remember things whilst anaesthetised. This is more common with the light sedation techniques used in Day Surgery.

CARDIAC DYSRYTHMIAS - irregularity in heart beat. 3 cases reported in 1.76 million in healthy people. A slowing of the heartbeat may be encountered during dilation of the cervix or neck of the womb. A drug called Atropine is routinely given to counteract this; it makes the heart race.

EPILEPTIC TYPE FITS - these may occur in people who are either epileptic or have the potential to become epileptic in the future. Some of the anaesthetic drugs or the local anaesthetic may cause such fits. They are not used in people identified as epileptics.

HYPOXIA - lack of oxygen to the brain. This is usually as a result of decreased breathing due to excessive sedation or airway obstruction. Airway obstruction may occur in those who routinely snore and those who are obese. Continuous monitoring of blood oxygen is routinely used in this Clinic and supplemental oxygen is always available.

LARYNGEAL SPASM - this is forceful closure of the vocal cords causing little flow of air into the lungs. It is usually as a result of a painful stimulus in a patient who is between light and deep sleep. Laryngeal spasm is readily treated. All the facilities are available at this clinic.

THROMBOPHLEBITIS/BRUISING - some people may experience pain, redness and swelling in the vein into which the drugs are injected - thrombophlebitis. In most cases this is short lived. Bruising at the site of injection is due usually to a difficult cannulation or passage of the needle into the vein.

MALIGNANT HYPERPYREXIA - Incidence: 4 cases in 1.76 million anaesthetics 2 deaths.

When exposed to certain triggering agents these people may develop the condition of Malignant Hyperpyrexia. In this condition, all the muscles of the body contract causing the body to overheat; untreated mortality is 86% however specific treatment is available. Drugs to reverse this condition are available at all of our day surgeries.

I acknowledge that I have been advised that there are occasions when the expected outcomes of the procedure are not always achieved and would still like to proceed with the operation. I also agree to my blood being taken for serology in the event of a sharps injury I also agree to the administration of medications and other forms of treatment associated with the reasons for this admission as is deemed necessary by the medical officers attending to me.

Post operative care and instructions have been given to me in writing and also explained to me.

I have had the opportunity to discuss these with my doctor and the staff of PPA.

I have also been given a 24 hour contact number and understand that I should call if I am unwell.

I also acknowledge that the Planned Parenthood of Australia disclaims any and all liability for any injury and/or other damages I may cause or sustain in the event that I should ignore, overlook or not accept the advice, cautions or warnings that have been given to me in these matters.

I have not varied or withheld any information regarding my medical history and answered all of the questions asked by the doctor honestly and understand that failure to provide all of the information may affect my procedure and subsequent recovery.

I acknowledge that for my protection and safety, I have arranged to be taken home from the centre by someone who can be responsible for me, such as an adult member of the family or friend, and that I should not attempt to go home by myself following discharge from the centre.

I have also been cautioned against driving a vehicle, operating any equipment or machinery, signing a legal document or making important decisions for up to 24 hours after discharge from the centre.

Pregnancy tests may remain positive for days and sometimes weeks after your operation. If you are starting on the Pill you can begin on the sugar pills tonight or the following morning. It is extremely important they you provide us with the correct contact details in case we need to contact you with results of pathology tests. Planned Parenthood of Australia cannot be held responsible for any adverse outcome if we cannot contact you.....






Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN