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Last year  in Australia there  were  arrests and  much public anger,  bordering on hysteria, about 600 individuals alleged to have child pornography on their computers.  Some of those arrested were teachers or connected with childcare centres. The investigations indicated the perversion was not confined  to Australia but involved a  number of countries.  

Yet our own  Film and Literature Classification Board granted the film "Birth"  an MA+15 classification, although the film starring Nicole Kidman, shows  her naked in a bath  with a young boy (depicted as a 10-year-old), kissing him on the lips.  The  "artistic-in-context" excuse for this  child  porn is that the boy has a bizarre belief  he is the re-incarnation of her dead husband. 

The Australian Family Association tried to appeal against the MA+15 classification, believing that "Birth"  should be given a Refused Classification (RC), but  the Classification Board refused the AFA a waiver of the $3,470 fee required for the appeal.  [Write to Attorney-General, the Hon. Philip Ruddock and complain about the classification of “Birth”] 

Then there are the eulogistic  film reviews of "Kinsey", the story of the sex "researcher" who is supposed to have liberated the USA, if not the world, from sexual  prudery.  It is a pity the reviewers did not actually read Kinsey's "research", but  focussed  on Liam Neeson's performance in the title role. 

Alfred Kinsey published “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” (1948) and “Sexual Behavior in  the Human Female” (1953).  Dr. Judith Reisman, President, Institute for Media Education,  and author of "Kinsey,  Crimes & Consequences"  writes:  "These were Rockefeller-funded fictions, masquerading as the 'real'  story of American sexual conduct, for which Kinsey and his Indiana University boy-toys claimed  to have interviewed thousands of human subjects.

"Kinsey was a pathological liar – so were his  buddies, chosen from the academic casting couch...... Kinsey and company lied to the world, including our lawmakers, about normal human sexuality. We changed  our laws based on these lies. 

"He said it was science. It was fraud..... Kinsey cooked his 'data,' tossed out what he didn't like (75 percent in fact) and did all that  while slipping in and out of gay baths and beds as he wooed pedophiles (really, pederasts) to  rape up to 2,035 infants and children for him and his 'findings.' 

"He said that no women were ever harmed by rape, that 95 percent of our men were wildly promiscuous and 10 percent to 37 percent sometime homosexual.....  Kinsey was not a scientist.  He was a barbaric criminal sexual psychopath who hid his own sexual disorders and crimes and  that of his mates while claiming to reveal the truth about everyone else's sexual  life. 

"Rapists commonly insist their victims had 'orgasms.'.  In Kinsey's  'Male' volume, p 180, Kinsey writes  that a 5-month-old had 3 'orgasms,' an 11-month-old, he says, had 14 'orgasms' in 38 minutes....".   Reisman quotes Kinsey's    many  similar experiments on other very young children. 

He describes  how his pedophiles molested 196 boys, all under age 13,around the clock.  He swore these children experienced 'orgasms' but the behaviour of the children which he describes to support this conclusion is far more consistent with convulsions, terror and pain during their abuse.

He employed no trained statistician but  presented surveys relying on large numbers of prison inmates and prostitutes as representative of the American population.   He pressured his staff to perform sex acts, some adulterous, on film. 

Reisman says a  Congressional investigation of the Kinsey Institute for their decades of cover-up, and judicial seizure of their files,  is long overdue. 

There is international concern  that sexual predators may be preying on  children orphaned by the tsunami. In  Australia  more parents of young children  should be  on our Film and Literature Classification Board,  and  reviewers  need to do background reading about the films they review   to ensure  Hollywood stops glamorizing child sexual abuse. 

The abortion industry is also complicit in the abuse because many girls under the age of consent are aborted without any investigation of who their rapist/abuser  is. 


UN Women’s Committee Pressuring Samoa to Legalize Abortion, Drop Fertility Rates


 At the United Nations, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is pushing the government of Samoa to legalize abortion and force more women out of their traditional family roles and into work and political life.  CEDAW issued a press release January 24, in which it complained that, despite having set up a Ministry for Women’s Affairs, the role of married women in Samoan society was too traditional and mostly oriented towards family life. It said not enough women run for political office, and that abortion is still illegal despite attempts to bring the country up to date.


  The report said, “The daily lives of the majority of Samoan women were regulated by customary law and practices that were based on female subordination and stereotypical gender roles.” The committee experts said that despite the necessity of respect for Samoan cultural values, “it was important to struggle against the ‘entrenched prerogatives of the patriarch.’”


  Traditional Samoan life is oriented around the extended family. This has provided care and a social safety net for women, children and the elderly. Since the government adopted the CEDAW convention in 1992, however, the incursions into that traditional way of life by the push to get women out of the home and into the workforce have begun to destabilize Samoan  society. In order to meet the goal of  modernizing the Samoan way of life, the  CEDAW report says, “Samoa needed to target measures at both women and men to combat deeply entrenched stereotypical attitudes. Other changes in the economic, social and political lives of women in Samoa include increased participation in paid employment, an increasing number in management positions, decreased fertility and a reduction in family size”.   [Pray for Samoa]










Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN