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Mexico City Declaration: Basic Principles

The largest-ever international gathering - over 3,000 delegates - comprising  pro-family leaders, scholars, activists, and lobbyists met for three days in Mexico City in March this year to discuss the challenges which face the natural family in contemporary society. The World Congress of Families III, (which followed similar meetings in Prague in 1997 and Geneva in 1999) was convened by Dr. Allan Carlson of the Howard Centre, a US pro-family think tank, Professor Richard Wilkins of Brigham Young University, and Red Familia (The Family Network), a coalition of Mexican pro-family organisations.  

Australian speakers were Mr. Peter Westmore, President, National Civic Council, and myself, and  Australian sponsors of the event were the Australian Family Association and Endeavour Forum Inc. The Congress analysed the impact of feminism, the media and UN and government policies  in undermining the stability of the family, and in particular undermining status of marriage. The Congress specifically rejected recent initiatives at the United Nations to treat “sexual orientation”  as a human right. Below is the Declaration issued by the Congress: 

The Family and Society: The natural family is the fundamental social unit, inscribed in human nature, and centered on the union of a man and a woman in the lifelong covenant of marriage.

The Family and Marriage: Marriage, the cornerstone of healthy family life, brings security, contentment, meaning, joy and spiritual maturity to the man and woman who enter this lifelong covenant with unselfish commitment.

The Family and Children: The natural family provides the optimal environment for the healthy development of children.

The Family and Sexuality: Sexuality exists for the expression of love between husband and wife and for the procreation of children in the covenant of marriage.

The Family, Life and Bioethical Issues: Every human person has intrinsic value throughout the continuum of life from fertilization until natural death.

The Family and Population: Procreation is the key to the survival of the human race.

The Family and Education: Parents possess the primary authority and responsibility to direct the upbringing and education of their children, except in clear cases of abuse and neglect.

The Family, Economy and Development: The natural family is the fundamental unit in society for economic growth and development.

The Family and Government: Good government protects and supports the family and does not usurp the vital roles it plays in society.

The Family and Religion: As the primary educators, parents have the right to teach their religious and moral beliefs to their children and to raise them according to their religious precepts.

Call to Respect the Family: We exhort all persons, families, social entities, governments and international organizations throughout the world to adopt a family perspective, to respect and uphold the institution of the natural human family for the good of present and future generations in accordance with the principles and recommended guidelines of this Declaration adopted at the Third World Congress of Families in Mexico City.




Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN