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In  Australia  the differences between Coaltion leaders and the ALP are very clear.  Tony Abbott, Minister for Health, has expressed concern about the 100,000 abortions each year. Mark Latham, Leader of the Opposition,  said he  was "not interested"  when asked about abortion in the context of the film "My Fetus"  by Julia  Black  which shows early and late abortions.  Latham did not even bother with the rhetoric of  "women's rights".  - he was just not interested.  When Latham  was  Mayor of Liverpool, prayers  before Council meetings were banned.

In  contrast, when Treasurer Peter Costello  spoke at the National Day of Thanksgiving  at Scots Church in May, he spoke of Australia's  Christian  tradition and  its  foundation based on  the Ten Commandments.  Costello  said  the single most decisive feature that determined the way Australia developed was the  Judeo-Christian-Western tradition, and that when Moses gave the Ten Commandments  he initiated the rule of law. It is  the rule of law that has attracted so many migrants to Australia, many   from countries where there is  only   despotism.  Vote for those who value   Australia's   heritage  -   the Coalition is not perfect - no  human organisation is - but it is a great deal better than the alternative.



Member Organisation, World Council for Life and Family

NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the UN